#OfficeWornStories – Maddy

We are celebrating the release of Emily Spivack’s Worn Stories with some of our own tales!

Read on for a story of how one pair of shoes travelled the world!

Madeleine Hall – A&CB’s Digital Whiz & on pair of, I swear they used to be white, Converse.

It all started when I was studying for my A-levels; a burning desire to travel the world settled itself in my brain. Partly as a chance to prove that despite being small in size, at a towering 5ft and ½ an inch, I was independent, brave & at least a little bit interesting. With some reluctance from my father, despite my mother’s willingness to send me out the door with a kiss on the head & a ten pound note for luck, I decided to travel, on my own, around Australasia before heading off to University.

I worked all the hours I could at my local supermarket, to save for my trip & with my final pay cheque I invested in a pair of shoes to take with me. The sensible purchase would have been a sturdy pair of walking shoes, at a push some well fitted running trainers. But limited space & my fashion conscious, by then 18 year old, brain, meant I chose a pair of white Converse high-tops.

Oh but the places those white converse would take me!

I remember the way they squeaked as I walked away from my parents, wondering if this really was the smartest idea, through Heathrow security. I remember running up some stairs at LAX where I had left my book with my passport stuffed in it in the toilet. I remember jumping off the world’s second highest bungee jump with them on. I remember straddling two Australian states at the point they met. I remember horse riding through New Zealand wearing them, humming tunes from Lord of the Rings. I remember the day they turned peach as I trekked through a jungle in Fiji…I remember arriving home with the same shoes on my feet as I had left in, and how they carried me out the door a few weeks later to the sunny Brighton coast for university.

Those Converse, bought out of vanity, became my most trusted pair of shoes, I never travelled without them. Including the trip I christened them; the soles of that ill-advised purchase have trod on the soil of 10 countries and 4 continents. They have literally taken my feet on an adventure. It was a heartbreaking day when those well travelled shoes finally gave up the give. RIP white Converse, may your replacements take me as far as you did.

Worn Stories by Emily Spivack –PAPRESS – OUT NOW!